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Health is also about what we eat.

Following a healthy diet, doing regular physical exercise and adopting a healthy lifestyle are important recommendations when it comes to looking after our health.
The new Terme di Sirmione Nutrition Programmes: nutritional assessment and drawing up of personal diets are based on these principles and take account of specific individual require- ments and the initial state of health of the patient, seeking to ensure that they follow a long-term healthy diet.
Healthy diets are key for the prevention and treatment of obesity and those that are overweight, as well as cardiocirculatory, respiratory, endocrine and oncological illness (tumours), and im- pact on people of all ages, from babies to the elderly and pregnant women.

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  • Nutritional and anthropometric assessment and drawing up of nutritional plan
  • Pulmonological examination
  • Physiatric examination
  • Vascular examination with Echo Color Doppler
  • Prick or patch allergy test
  • Nutritional and anthropometric assessment and drawing up of nutritional plan

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