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An ancient practice of the traditional Chinese medicine

Acupuncture has been employed for millennia to cure injuries, chronic diseases, migraine, psychotic disorders, stress, anxiety and allergies. It can be considered as integrative to the occidental medicine and enables patients not to use pharmaceuticals, or reduce their use in case they cannot be completely eliminated. This also encourages elimination or reduction of side effects. After medical consultation, Acupuncture should be employed as first choice for headache, migraine and lumbosciatica in order to reduce the use of analgesics and avoid chronicisation.
It is particularly effective in this cases: musculoskeletal pain, lumbago, sciatica, headache, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral neuropathy, arthritis and arthrosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, intercostal neuralgia, tendinitis, bursitis, gastropathies and colonpatias, smoking cessation, dermatological diseases, ear infections, sinusitis and pathologies of the upper airways.
Its integration with Occidental Medicine finds valuable application in Gynaecology and Midwifery, mainly for infertility, menstrual disorders, menopause, pregnancy and puerperium.

For bookings please contact our Reservation Centre:
Phone +39 030 9904923 | E-mail: prenotazionetermale@termedisirmione.com

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